The monastery in Niepokalanów

The collection of Niepokalanów Monastery on JP2online contains 1000 photos by Br. Cyprian Grodzki - Franciscan Friar, pre-war athlete, medallist from 1931, and a personal secretary of Father Maximilian Kolbe upon his joining the Order of Friars Minor Conventual (Fr. Franciscan) in Niepokalanów.
The presented photographs document important events in the life of the Church, in which Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II participated:
a) The first pilgrimage of John Paul II to Poland in 1979. - events in Warsaw and Cracow;
b) Third pilgrimage of John Paul II to Poland in 1987. - events in Gdańsk;
c) The coronation ceremony of the Icon of Our Lady of Consolation by Cardinal Karol Wojtyła - Stara Błotnica, 22 August 1977.
The Friary of the Immaculate Conception of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual (Fr. Franciscan) in Niepokalanow is the owner of over 20 thousand negative tapes containing photos of Br. Cyprian Grodzki. The photographs are a record of the most important events in the life of the Church in Poland from the 60s of the twentieth century to the end of the 80s of the twentieth century, including those with the participation of Karol Wojtyła / John Paul II (about 2000 photographs).
This collection is being systematically developed and will be made available in full on JP2online.
The Friary of the Immaculate Conception of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual (Fr. Franciscan) in Niepokalanow is the owner of the copyright and the related rights to the photographs presented here.
You can download some of the photographs from JP2online and use them only for non-commercial purposes, provided that you always include the following information:
Photo: Br Cyprian Grodzki OFMConv/ Friary of Niepokalanów.
Should you wish to use these photographs for commercial purposes or are looking for other photographs from this collection, please contact the owner:
Monastery of Friars Minor Conventual ( Franciscans) in Niepokalanow,
Paprotnia, M. Kolbego 5, 96-515 Teresin;
Fr. Roman Soczewka OFMConv, phone: 46 864 21 44, e-mail: [email protected].
The presented photographs document important events in the life of the Church, in which Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II participated:
a) The first pilgrimage of John Paul II to Poland in 1979. - events in Warsaw and Cracow;
b) Third pilgrimage of John Paul II to Poland in 1987. - events in Gdańsk;
c) The coronation ceremony of the Icon of Our Lady of Consolation by Cardinal Karol Wojtyła - Stara Błotnica, 22 August 1977.
The Friary of the Immaculate Conception of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual (Fr. Franciscan) in Niepokalanow is the owner of over 20 thousand negative tapes containing photos of Br. Cyprian Grodzki. The photographs are a record of the most important events in the life of the Church in Poland from the 60s of the twentieth century to the end of the 80s of the twentieth century, including those with the participation of Karol Wojtyła / John Paul II (about 2000 photographs).
This collection is being systematically developed and will be made available in full on JP2online.
The Friary of the Immaculate Conception of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual (Fr. Franciscan) in Niepokalanow is the owner of the copyright and the related rights to the photographs presented here.
You can download some of the photographs from JP2online and use them only for non-commercial purposes, provided that you always include the following information:
Photo: Br Cyprian Grodzki OFMConv/ Friary of Niepokalanów.
Should you wish to use these photographs for commercial purposes or are looking for other photographs from this collection, please contact the owner:
Monastery of Friars Minor Conventual ( Franciscans) in Niepokalanow,
Paprotnia, M. Kolbego 5, 96-515 Teresin;
Fr. Roman Soczewka OFMConv, phone: 46 864 21 44, e-mail: [email protected].
Search in collections:
The monastery in Niepokalanów
Pielgrzymki Jana Pawła II do Polski:
The monastery in Niepokalanów Collection
I pielgrzymka Jana Pawła II do Polski w 1979 roku, cz. 1
Zbiór fotografii br. Cypriana Grodzkiego przedstawiający I Pielgrzymkę Jana Pawła II do Polski w 1979 roku. Wizyta w Warszawie, powitanie na lotnisku Okęcie, msza na pl. Zwycięstwa, spotkanie z młodzieżą przed kościołem św. more
The monastery in Niepokalanów Collection
I pielgrzymka Jana Pawła II do Polski w 1979 roku, cz. 2
Zbiór fotografii br. Cypriana Grodzkiego przedstawiający I Pielgrzymkę Jana Pawła II do Polski w 1979 roku. Msza na Błoniach, wizyty w Mogile, w klasztorze na Skałce i w Kalwarii more
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The monastery in Niepokalanów Collection
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The monastery in Niepokalanów Collection
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